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Sound Art (Lucier)

Short post!
Just here to share a couple things. Basically the idea behind these pieces is that you record yourself speaking a short quote or paragraph or something. You then play the recording back into a room over speakers and record the playback. Looping this many times causes the recordings to loose quality, but gain emphasis in certain frequencies that the room emphasizes more.
In addition to this, I added a visual element. On the theme of recreation and creating or rebuilding something I chose a picture from the current wildfire raging in California and removed all of the orange-yellow fire color from it. The text is that color, and throughout the piece it dissolves into the image, revealing what the original image was. Enjoy :)
My piece:
A whole new thing
The first piece in this style:
I am sitting in a room


  1. You told me about this piece as you were exporting (at least trying to) in Yearbook, but its totally different from what I except to hear! Didn't know how the certain frequencies would be exaggerated as it kept being rerecorded. Once again, fantastically creative, and very cool.


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