Pierre Schaeffer - Etude aux chemins de fer (1948) Click here to listen! Etude aux chemins de fer What am I listening to? Trains! Lots of recordings of trains. "Étude aux chemins de fer" translated to English means "Study at the railways" Nerd Stuff Musique Concrete is music created by formulating recorded and synthesized sounds into some reproducible structure. Pierre Schaeffer was one of the first composers to experiment with this form of music in 1942 in France. Over the following years Schaeffer formulated methods for recording and modifying tape created by the relatively new portable tape recorder. After recording, Schaeffer would physically cut up and rearrange the tape. To loop sounds he would make a copy of the tape and attach them end to beginning. To this day, we visualize video and sound editing in much the same way. Take Garage Band for instance. Those boxes are very similar to how tape was laid out and layered. However, in Garage Band it takes t...